Don't worry folks, this isn't going to turn into an emotional pity party for myself. However, it should be noted, everything which is mentioned above is both accurate and truthful about how I feel on many, many days. And when I let people see who I truly am, no matter the duration, I'm generally accused of being A) A fucking liar, B) A pussy, C) Manipulative or D) A lying, pussy fucking manipulator. I didn't mean for D to come out that way, but it works nonetheless.
Does it surprise you that the first tattoo I ever wanted designed was a rendition of the Comedy/Tragedy masks, as depicted by Jack Skellington? Wrap your head around that one.
I did not type the above picture. I don't usually get surprised when I find these things, because to think that I'm the ONLY person that thinks this way would be egotistical, conceited and outright ridiculous. I'm somebody who is not afraid to admit when I am humbled; for myself, its a mechanism to ensure that I'm always learning and staying truly open in mind and spirit to every aspect of the world around me.
With this all being said, I'm embarking on a nice little journey for myself. I, Andrew Rodriguez, at 22 years, 357 days, 16 hours and 4 minutes, will be sending myself on my first vacation. Ever. While my family frolicked in the bahamas, I worked to build a college fund for myself. I wasn't old enough to remember when I went to Baltimore (or I just didn't care; it's amazing how we black out parts of our lives), and wasn't able to go to Hawaii, Georgia OR Chicago for personal reasons.
Instead, I'm sending myself to Washington DC, alone, as an opportunity to start sorting out who I am as a person, and who I want to become. I've never had an opportunity to be alone with my thoughts; as a social person, I've always had, and needed, people around me in order to function properly. So, for the next week and a half, I will be completely removed from this blog, twitter(may be used to help track where I'm at), facebook, and people in general...in order to get in touch with myself. TWSS.
Also, my brain doesnt function past 11:00 when I'm tired. I'm terribly sorry for this DREADFUL bit of writing...but its all I have right now.
Long story short: When I come back, I want people to have an idea of what I stand for, because I will have a much better idea of myself as well.
Long story short: When I come back, I want people to have an idea of what I stand for, because I will have a much better idea of myself as well.